您的位置:曝曝君首页 > 金融资讯 > 资金盘 > 数据:以太坊 gas 中位数费用创历史新高,突破 300Gwei
数据:以太坊 gas 中位数费用创历史新高,突破 300Gwei


2020-09-02 发布

Blockchair 数据显示,9 月 1 日,以太坊 gas 中位数费用目前高达 307 Gwei,创下历史新高。另据 Etherscan 数据显示,过去 24 小时 Uniswap V2 的主要交易合约 Router 2 花费的 gas 费用最高,达 5604 枚 ETH,占比达到 25.90%,其次为gas  Tether USD (2665ETH)和 SushiSwap 的 MasterChef 流动性质押池(611ETH)。另外,据 Glassnode 数据显示,以太坊矿工在过去一个小时内赚取了超过 50 万美元的交易费,创今年单小时交易新纪录(不包括今年早些时候的异常交易费用)。


SIP-4: Add More LP Pools to SushiSwap #Qme74uo

What LP pools should we added for farming and liquidity migration on SushiSwap? Here you can find the list of pools with somewhat reasonable 7 day trading volume. See here for more info https://uniswap.info/pairs. Top 5 by voting result will be added to SushiSwap with initial reward weight of 0.2x.

If you are not sure what to vote. Come discuss in our #governance discord channel - https://discord.gg/uSMaX2x

Once the vote is done, Chef Nomi will take the top 5 pools and implement the change by invoking MasterChef "add" function through the Timelock contract.

Chef Nomi trusts you guys, so please vote responsibly and reasonably.

As a reminder, voting opens for 24 hours. Voting power is determined by SUSHI-ETH LP staked in the MasterChef contract at ~7-8 hours (2000 blocks) after the proposal is proposed. Once approved, Chef Nomi will be implementing the change through the Timelock contract. Changes submitted by Chef Nomi are always subjected to a 48-hour time delay.
