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Oasis Protocol 将在主网启动时发布原生代币 ROSE,总上限为 100 亿枚


2020-09-03 发布

区块链隐私计算平台 Oasis Protocol 宣布即将推出 Oasis 网络原生代币「ROSE」。ROSE 代币在主网启动时的流通量为约 15 亿枚,代币总上限为 100 亿枚。Oasis Protocol 表示,「ROSE」一词在历史上被视为隐私的象征。ROSE 代币将用于 Oasis 网络上的所有交易、质押和委托等功能。ROSE 的代币分配模型为,1. 质押奖励 19.5 亿代币;2. 早期支持者 23 亿代币;3. 社区和生态系统 22.5 亿代币;4. 基金会捐赠 10 亿代币;5. 战略合作伙伴和储备金 5 亿代币;6. 核心贡献者 20 亿代币。链闻注,Oasis Labs 由美国加州大学伯克利分校计算机系教授 Dawn Song 宋晓冬教授创办,旨在解决当下区块链在性能、安全和隐私上的痛点,Oasis Labs 2018 年 7 月获得 4500 万美元融资,a16z crypto、高榕资本、币安孵化器、Polychain 等参与投资,Coinbase 联合创始人 Fred Ehrsam 也以个人身份参与了投资。6 月中旬, Oasis Labs 正式启动主网候选版本「Oasis Amber Network」。Amber Network 包含主网启动时的所有核心功能,如质押和委托、完全去中心化的共识层、集成分类账钱包(即将推出)以及验证人的佣金率工具等。


ROSE: A Symbol of Privacy

We wanted the token to stand as a representation for the network and Roses fit very well with this imagery. Historically they have often represented “secrecy”. Dating back to Ancient Greece, the Rose was seen as a symbol for secrets or privacy, used by Aphrodite as a gift in exchange for keeping the secrets of Gods.

In Ancient Rome this symbolism continued and the phrase “sub rosa” or “under the rose” was to mean “done in secret” or “under a pledge of secrecy”. This phrase and the symbol of Roses as secrecy extended throughout history with the British Tudors era where state secrets were decided in a room with a large rose hanging from the ceiling.

This fits well with our vision for the Oasis Network, which seeks to power the next generation of blockchain use cases through its unique capacity to support confidential computing and private data on the ledger.

ROSES in the world

More to come

We believe the ROSE token, along with the Oasis Network, will help usher in a new category of privacy-preserving applications that empower users to control and manage their data. This includes, for example, supporting a new concept of data rewards, where individuals stake their data with apps that want to analyze it — enabling a new, responsible data economy.

The ROSE token is also expected to power the next generation of DeFi where privacy will help unlock new use cases and markets — with the potential of expanding the reach of blockchain beyond early adopters and into the mainstream.

You can read more about ROSE and its utility and distribution in the latest token distribution document here as well.

We have more exciting news about ROSE and the Oasis Network coming your way. Join our Telegram channel or follow us on Twitter to stay up-to-date on the latest announcements, take part in community competitions, and more.
