您的位置:曝曝君首页 > 金融资讯 > 区块链 > MetaMask 正式推出移动版 MetaMask Mobile,支持 iOS 和安卓,可使用 Apple Pay 和借记卡购买 ETH
MetaMask 正式推出移动版 MetaMask Mobile,支持 iOS 和安卓,可使用 Apple Pay 和借记卡购买 ETH


2020-09-04 发布

MetaMask 正式推出移动版本 MetaMask Mobile,目前支持 iOS 和安卓版。移动版 MetaMask 是一种原生加密货币钱包,允许用户通过一系列应用或在内置浏览器输入 dApp 的 URL 地址和各种 dApp 进行交互。此外,MetaMask Mobile 支持使用 Apple Pay、借记卡或其他付款方式(取决于国家 / 地区)直接购买以太坊。


Announcing the launch of MetaMask Mobile! Download the App and take Web3 with you, wherever you go. Browse and interact with decentralized applications, trade digital assets, play games and more

estflight users currently using the beta version on iOS will continue to have access to it. However, to start using the production version of MetaMask Mobile, you’ll need to download the app from the Apple App Store and set up your wallet again

For Android beta users, if you have auto-updates on, you are already using the latest version of MetaMask Mobile. If you don’t, tap ‘update’

If the Google Play Store requires you to re-install the app, you can sync with a QR code generated by your MetaMask extension, or restore your wallet using your seed phrase. Remember to save your seed phrase so you always have access to your MetaMask wallet
